YAY!!!!!! We MADE it! We are home safe and sound with daddy. I don't have photos yet but when I do I will post them. (I left my camera in the bathroom in Kunming and when I remembered it ten minutes later it was gone...) I used a disposable camera this weekend to shoot some more photos and will get them put on disk.
Josie did wonderfully on the flight from Hong Kong to Chicago, sleeping most of the way. We were blessed with a very patient travel mate sitting next to us. Our flight from Chicago to Madison was delayed a couple of hours due to mechanical problems. Poor Jim had to wait a bit longer to meet his daughter. But all turned out well, and we saw him from the top of the escalator at the Madison airport. He watched us come down the escalator and I delivered his special package to him at the bottom of the steps. Josie took to him immediately and started smiling and playing with him.
The very first night back Daddy took care of Josie as Mommy proceeded to sleep for 15 hours. I would've slept more except he woke me up so I would sleep on Saturday night. However, I couldn't sleep Saturday night anyway. I'm all screwed up with the time change and feeling sick again. I must've been sick in Kunming due to exhaustion and stress, because I feel the same way now. Josie is still adjusting to the time change as well, although last night she finally went to sleep around 1:00 and is still sleeping now at 6:00 am. (Yesterday she didn't go to sleep until 5:00 am) I have been up since 4:00 and am going back to bed now.
Jim has been incredible - he knows so much about taking care of her. He feeds her food and formula, cuddles her, changes her, and overall just showers her with love and affection. He has taken over and is letting me get rest. I hope I'll be back on schedule and eating again in a couple of days. It is so much fun to be a parent with him.
We plan to go to my parents' cabin in Michigan later in the week and spend about 10 days there until Jim's Family reunion in Iron Mountain on the 15th. I look forward to spending time with my parents with our baby, and also bringing her to Jim's reunion. He was the first of the Feldhausen grandchildren to get married, 12 years ago, and since then many of his cousins have married and had children. Now he will bring his child and introduce her to the rest of the clan.
I can't thank you all enough for your love and prayers. This is truly a miracle that's happened in our family, and what was once a distant hope has become a reality. I'm looking forward to posting more pictures so you can see what God has done with our lives.