More Waiting!
We just found out that we are NOT in the batch of referrals (matches with babies) that will come out the first week of April. This is a *total* surprise as we were only 8 days away from the last cutoff date. This is the smallest number of log in days that CCAA has ever done - only 5 days worth of dossiers matched! They did the dossiers that were logged into their system last May 26th through May 30th. They stopped there because they have over 400 dossiers logged in on May 31st and they couldn't get through them all. (Our log in date is June 2nd.)
This is actually wonderful news for the orphans, as there are SO many more people applying to adopt from China, and they don't have any more staffers than last year to do all the matching. I "blame" it on Oprah. In August of 2004 she did a very moving show on Chinese orphans (I haven't seen it, apparently it's heart wrenching,) and a ton of people then decided to adopt. Therefore, they started getting their paperwork together and their dossiers started hitting China in May 2005! That's my theory at least. Oprah IS this powerful!
So, now it looks like we'll get our referral in May and travel in July. - Yucky, humid weather in southern China at that time. We spoke with someone who traveled there last September and they said they wished they would've brought lighter fabric t-shirts! They couldn't even stand the regular cotton t-shirts it was so hot! Good thing Jim's not going, it will be horrible breathing for him.