Well it’s been a long time since we’ve posted anything, but it’s because we’re having a wonderful summer. We’ve spent time with family and friends, and traveled just a bit. Josie is growing so quickly, and learning so much it would be impossible to tell you everything that she’s doing these days. She’s been saying new words every day for about a month now, and it’s so much fun! She’s made her own sentences, and says three syllable words. She is cracking us up all the time. A couple of weeks ago she took mommy’s sunglasses out of the diaper bag and brought them to daddy and said, “I got momma’s glasses!” Yesterday she scolded the baby for throwing food on the floor during lunch: She pointed her little finger at the floor and shook her arm and babbled and scolded “Floor! Floor!” I guess she’s imitating me when I tell her that she’s old enough to know better than to throw food on the floor - oops! She is big into “helping” and often runs to the kitchen to get a towel to clean up messes. She is trying to put on her own shoes and clothes, and she loves to climb, run, and jump. I will make several posts with pictures of our summer below.
Fourth of July
With Grandma (Jim's mom)
My first horsie ride (on Grandma and Grandpa's minuature horse) I LOVED this horsie and still ask to get "on horse?"
Piano maestro
I am just pretending to sleep because it makes momma laugh! This was my first overnight trip away from mommy: Daddy took me to Green Bay to visit Grandpa. Momma said she's miss me so much, and I reassured her by looking her in the eye, pointing and say, "Back" (meaning "I'll be back," like momma tells me every time she leaves the room.") I had SO much fun with Daddy!