Our Family

Thank you for checking us out! We set up this site so you can track our progress to adopt a baby from China. We also added some info about cystic fibrosis and other issues in our little corner of the world.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Father's Day Plans -Itinerary

We got our itinerary today! We will get Josie at 4:00 pm (3:00 am Wisconsin time) on June 18th, Father's Day.

Aileen and I are leaving for China in one week, Friday June 16th. We'll arrive in Hong Kong on June 17th and spend one night there. On Sunday, Father's Day,we fly to Kunming and will get Josie that afternoon. We'll apply for adoption through the local courts on Monday and spend the week bonding with Josie (and touring if she's up for it) while we wait for paperwork to be done by Friday.

Saturday June 24th we'll fly to Guangzhou, where the US Consulate is located. Sunday is a free day, and Monday we'll take Josie for a medical check-up. We're free on Tuesday while our adoption workers apply for Josie's Visa, and Wednesday we go to the US Consulate for a Visa Ceremony. Thursday her Visa will be issued and we'll take a train ride back to Hong Kong. Friday we fly out to Chicago. (Our flight leaves Hong Kong at 12:45 pm Hong Kong time on Friday and arrives 15 hours later at 2:22 pm Chicago time on Friday - talk about a LONG day!) Then we'll go through Customs and fly to Madison to arrive at 5:48pm Madison time.

The nursery is now painted, and Jim has sanded and re-finished all the trim. We moved in the furniture and will start decorating this weekend. (We'll post pictures when it's done.) Colleen has two more days of work, then will spend Tuesday - Thursday next week packing and running errands to get ready!

Can you believe it's really happening?!!!!


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