Our Family

Thank you for checking us out! We set up this site so you can track our progress to adopt a baby from China. We also added some info about cystic fibrosis and other issues in our little corner of the world.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Another Update

Thank you all SO much for the emails and comments! It means so much to hear from you! It is very strange being on the other side of the world. Because of the time difference we can't talk on the phone much to Daddy and other family members. It is so encouraging to hear from you.

Things are going extremely well here. I am exhausted all the time, but very happy. Aileen is exhausted too. She is working so hard. I don't know what I would have done without her. I would be a basket case for sure. Josie is having so much fun with Aileen. She always looks around to make sure we are both here. Today she learned how to stick out her tongue. She thinks it is the funniest thing in the world!

On Saturday we flew from Kunming to Guangzhou. It was sad to be leaving Josie's home city. Who knows when she will be back. She was very good on the flight. We are staying at the White Swan on Shamain Island in Guangzhou. It is a city of 10 million people - just huge. We are so tired that we don't ever plan to leave the island. This hotel is *amazing.* Aileen and I stayed at a five-star hotel once in Dublin with the other women in our family. This hotel might even be nicer than that. It is unbelievable. I am so happy especially because Aileen is able to enjoy it - you should have seen her on the journey from Kunming to Guangzhou - she looked like a pack mule with her bag, giant backpack, and my huge diaper bag/backpack. I carried Josie and my backpack with the laptop.

We told mom that we discovered the way we want to be treated for the rest of our lives - just like we are here. Our hotel room is immaculate, beautiful, with an amazing river view. Someone knocks at our door gently each evening to deliver the newspaper. Someone also knocks on our door to offer turn-down service before bed (we never accept it - we don't know what it will be. Do they kiss you on the cheek and read you a bedtime story after tucking you in???) Even if we refuse the turn down service, they present you with a tiny ceramic pot. When you open it up there are chocolates inside. There are waterfalls and fresh flowers everywhere. Each time we get off the elevator on our floor (11) a woman guides us to our room - every time! The first time it was very weird because we didn't even know who she was and she was guiding us to our room! Whenever we show up to the elevators she pushes the button and when one opens up she guides us to it. Every time you leave or enter the building, a door is opened for you by a man who stands at the door all day. Very very different. This is the best way to be having a new baby. All we need to do is take care of Josie and decide how to get some good food every day.

The weird thing about being here is that this hotel is full of other adoptive parents. The US embassy is nearby, and this is where we all need to go to get our babies' visas issued so they can leave the country. There are American couples everwhere with Chinese children of all ages. It is a surreal experience. When we first walked in the door on Saturday, the other moms and I in our travel group just busted out laughing - it is just strange, I can't explain it.

There are lots of little shops within a couple of blocks of the hotel, and that is where we've spent our free time. I bought Josie some small gifts to give for her birthday each year.

All in all, things are going very well. Thanks again so much to all of you for your emails and comments. I'll try to remember some other things to tell you about Josie. Oh, she loves to take a bath. She likes to splash and watch the water move. Those of you who gave us bath toys, THANK YOU! She is going to love them! She went to her doctor's appointment today and was diagnosed with bronchitis. She received some zithromax and cough medicine. She is a very happy baby and is having a lot of fun being adored by her mommy and auntie.

Josie is very much like her daddy - An extrovert. She hates being in the room for very long. She loves being around people and just watching things go by as I walk around with her. She doesn't like to go to bed, even when she's so tired she can hardly keep her eyes open. She is eating better and sitting up more each day.


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