Our Family

Thank you for checking us out! We set up this site so you can track our progress to adopt a baby from China. We also added some info about cystic fibrosis and other issues in our little corner of the world.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Eight Things About Us

I’ve been tagged to list 8 Facts or Habits about myself. This is a blogger game that I just learned about. When I'm done with my 8 things I will tag another blogger and they have to do the same! I was tagged by our friend Heather. She and her husband are waiting for their referral for their Chinese daughter. Their blog is www.cotecheck.blogspot.com. They have pics of the *amazing* Dr. Seuss nursery that they're painting during the horribly long wait for referral (over 2 years!! We waited only 1 year.)

I’m going to make our 8 things about our family because this blog is for all 3 of us. I will do 2 at a time because once I started writing it was paragraphs instead of sentences.

1. The first time I saw Jim was from a distance (I was on the second or third floor balcony of the Medinah Temple in Chicago and Jim was on stage.) The moment I saw him it actually was like a strike of lightening and I knew that I was going to marry him. I didn’t actually want to get married, and at the time I was still recovering from a painful relationship. And I was very grumpy, and Jim looked very happy and glowing – I was angry with him already because I knew that he was so joyful and I wasn’t, and that there was nothing I could do about it because we were destined to marry. Kind of like the past 14 years have been for us….Jim being hopeful and positive and me being grumpy and worrying about everything.

2. Jim was a dental tech in the Navy for 7 years. He spent 3 years stationed on the USS Theodore Roosevelt, an aircraft carrier. He did two 6-month Mediterranean cruises and many smaller cruises too. I really regret not spending the money to visit him in one of his port visits.

Two more tomorrow.


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