Our Family

Thank you for checking us out! We set up this site so you can track our progress to adopt a baby from China. We also added some info about cystic fibrosis and other issues in our little corner of the world.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

CF Prognosis

PROGNOSIS: Results from the 2004 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Patient Registry Annual Data Report have recently been analyzed and show that the median age of survival for people with CF has increased to 35.1 years -- up from 32.9 years in 2003. There are many factors that have attributed to this increase in survival, some include: the introduction of CFF-developed TOBI in 1997; the addition of macrolide therapy in 2003; and the new and aggressive Quality Improvement Initiative being rolled out to all CF care centers.

Jim is doing extremely well for a person with CF. His doctors have encouraged him to live a full life, including starting a family. They believe he will live to see his children reach adulthood. Also, there are constantly new medical advances being made and we are hopeful that these will have a great impact on Jim’s life. We recently completed a fundraiser for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (www.cff.org.) They provide funding for some incredible research.


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